Sometimes it's nice to control Proxomitron directly from your web browser. In order to do this Proxomitron features URL commands. URL commands are typed in front of the hostname in your browsers location bar (This is usually between the http:// and www. bits) and usually end with either two dots ".." or two slashes "//" ...
URL commands can do many different things, including bypassing the current page, viewing its source, and loading new config files into Proxomitron. They can even be added to Bookmarks or Favorites to quickly access these commands.
URL command security
URL commads can potentially be a security risk! It's possible a web page you vist could call them if they guessed you were using Proxomitron (allowing them to bypass your filters).
Note: the risk is much greater if you've allowed any outside IP addresses to access Proxomitron!
In order to make them a bit safer you can add a URL command Prefix in the config dialog. A prefix can act a bit like a password. For example, say you have a prefix of "Puyo-", now in order to activate a URL command to, say, view the web page as source "src.." you would now have to enter...
A website won't know your personal prefix and can't call URL commands even if they guess you're running Proxomitron. It's a good idea to always use a prefix of some type - even a small one is added protection.
There's also an option in the config dialog to disable URL commands completely. This may be wise if you allow outsiders to access Proxomitron and you want to make sure they can't load new configs or view files on your PC!
And now the commands...
Here's a list of the current commands. Remember don't forget to add your prefix to the front...
You can place stuff of your own here making them available to any client that has also has access to Proxomtiron. Keep in mind Local.ptron does not require a URL prefix to access it! This is important to know if you share access to Proxomtiron - you'll want to make sure nothing sensitive is placed in here. It can provide a safe area to share files used by your filters since only files inside the /html folder can be accessed. As of version Naoko 4.2 this also includes any files within sub-folders too.
Stacking commands
It's also possible to string multiple URL commands together as in...
If you use a URL prefix, this needs to be added only once at the beginning (and not in front of each command).
Quick to click javascript bookmarks...
One way you can bypass a webpage or view it's source with a simple click is to use special JavaScript bookmarks. These are bookmarks where in place of the URL, you add actual javascript like so...
These can be used to automatically add a URL command to your current URL. Here's some examples...
Bypass a web page...
View a page's source...
View a web page's source in "debug" mode...
To use these, just make a bookmark (or favorites entry) and use the above examples for the URL (be sure to replace Prefix- with you own prefix if any). Now all you have to do is click the bookmark to activate the command on any page you're viewing! I use these myself and have placed several in my Netscape toolbar - it's quite handy as I can bypass or debug a page with just a single click.
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